
Oh sing to the LORD a new song, for he has done marvelous things! (Psalm 98:1)

We gather as a church each Lord’s day (Sunday) to hear the Bible and the good news of Jesus Christ, to pray, to sing God’s praises, and to celebrate the Lord’s Supper.

Please join us at Whitehall Elementary School from 10-10:45am for Sunday School with classes for all ages. In between Sunday School and worship we often have coffee and snacks. Worship begins at 11am and ends around 12:15pm.

Some of us dress formally, and others casually. You are welcome to dress as you like.

As a church we want to reflect God’s kingdom when we worship. Part of what that means is people of all different backgrounds and ages coming together to praise and thank the God who is making us new. Children of all ages are welcome in the worship service. We know that it can be a challenge to bring a young child into worship. They may wiggle, giggle, sleep or talk. But they also sing, pray, give – and learn that worship is the highest duty and greatest joy of all Christians. We have children of all ages in our worship service and many parents make use of the rear of the multi-purpose room where we meet to spread out with their young ones.

On the first Sundays of most months we have a fellowship meal immediately after the worship service.

Whitehall Elementary School Sunday Greeters

The elementary school is directly across from Norristown Farm Park on Whitehall Rd.

PLEASE NOTE: Different map apps may say Eagleville or Norristown when you look up the directions to Whitehall Elementary School.

Parking, Entrance & Handicap Accessible Instructions

The front doors of the school are always locked but there should be a greeter at the door to let you in. The school is wheelchair accessible throughout and you are welcome to park in front of the entrance if you need to. Otherwise, there is ample parking on the right as you face the building.